Monday, January 21, 2013

Roofing Tar Can Hold A More Fluid Conversation Than You

I've known slugs with more cognitive ability than George.

George yawns all day long and can't focus on his work.  He's drank spike a few times but that doesn't really help him, sure he gets all energized and is able to crush some workouts but it just doesn't do it long term and he knows relying on a super powerful stimulant too often can be bad.  ( Read this post if you haven't )

He has a 2pm crash and isn't productive at all after that.  Not to say he's very productive at 10am either.  It's not a nutritional issue nor is it a lack of sleep issue.  George is just too swamped and stressed to get anything done.  The constant barrage of life is closing in on him and it's affecting everything.

George needs nootropics, which are by definition chemicals that purportedly improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration. Nootropics are thought to work by altering the availability of the brain's supply of neurochemicals by improving the brain's oxygen supply, or by stimulating nerve growth.

 Nootropics are legal but usually involve mixing and matching different ones to achieve a certain purpose.  That's a lot of effort.  You can try finding some premade online, however most are generally "stimulants" and do not operate the same.  They will only focus on one or two aspects.  Have you tried being attentive after knocking back a spike shooter?

Enter Brain Candy.  You might ask, what is Brain Candy?  Well my friends and hopefully strangers who my friends have shared this with, Brain Candy is a pre formulated affordable nootropic, and I dare say a damned fine nootropic.

The caffeine version contains a very large dose of caffeine at once.  For some this can cause a problem.  There is a caffeine free version which requires a bit of activation.  More or less a short duration of movement to increase blood flow throughout the body and distribute the Brain Candy.

What will Brain Candy do for you?  Well if you're like George and it takes you 2-3 hours after waking before you become a "morning person" it'll instantly get you talking.  Seriously, expect an increase in verbage.  It might also increase your vernacular's IQ.  Good bye "shiny thing" hello "Sternum Extractor"

If productivity is your downfall Brain Candy will leave you wondering where all the work went and how can you get more.

Failing to focus?  Brain Candy will allow you to count the flaps of a hummingbirds wings.  Okay maybe it's not THAT good, but it's freaking close.

Can you use Brain Candy daily? Yes.  I've been taking it daily for 9 months.

No ill effects, unless you count the nuclear reactor I built that runs on water and creates water as a by product and the government found out and some guy with a funny voice showed up and stole it using it as a weapon which resulted in the death of a guy who I thought was just a myth until I saw him in his cowl. Erm, well yeah.

As I was writing this piece I decided I should probably go without Brain Candy for a while to make sure I wasn't talking out of my pale rear end.

Well? The results?  Ask anyone in the past month and they will probably say I've been a larger jackass than normal.

Brain Candy is THAT important.  It increased your mood.  You know that person or persons at work that constantly bother you?  They are more tolerable when you're on Brain Candy.  I shudder to think what would happen if they were on it too.  Might you even get along?  The horror of that! Could you imagine, getting along with your co workers, what is this- The Twilight Zone?

Give it a shot, you will not regret it.

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