Having a rough time lately? Is your boss jumping down your throat, did your girl friend leave you, or maybe you've just had bad luck?
Get over it.
Life throws us obstacles, some more than others. If you can complain about it on facebook, twitter, work or to your friends and family, let me just tell you right here, right now: It's not the bad.
Greg's Dad died earlier this year. He's buried friends this year and had others diagnosed with cancer. Greg even got diagnosed with prostate cancer. He's prepping for a power lifting competition while under going treatment.
That girl at the coffee shop that screwed up your order? Yes, the moronic one who couldn't grasp the concept of a "Non-fat, extra foam, 3 shakes of cinnamon, hold the sugar, use splenda, double expreso shot Venti Mocha Latte", I mean your two year old knows what that is, Gosh. She miscarried 3 days ago, but because she needs her job, she's at work.
Lance Armstrong just lost all of his titles. Regardless of your outlook on doping usage, he's probably feeling pretty shitty right now. I doubt he's complaining on facebook.
This author, the one who is typing this, he's got Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. ( Here's the Wiki entry: CML feel free to read up ) This is my first public post that my friends will see about it. I've known about about 18 months now. It's just a part of life.
I remember two days after I was diagnosed, I was in the gym on the lat pull down station. Paige, the ever cute and pretty gym worker asks "How are you doing?". Between reps of what was probably 50 pounds I muttered "I'm good, except I've got cancer" and kept going. She kept going until she realized what I said.
Sure you don't know Greg, Lance or little miss can't make a latte right, heck some of you don't even really know me. This isn't to belittle your life's complications. It's more of a shout out, you're not the center of the universe. Your life isn't that bad. If you can whine about it to the world on Facebook, then life isn't so bad.
Everyone is the center of their own universe, which is great, in mine, I'm the Universal Dictator. My people call me Uni Dick. It's catchy. However, we're not the actual center of the universe, life went on before us and you bet your "Non-fat, extra foam, 3 shakes of cinnamon, hold the sugar, use splenda, double expreso shot Venti Mocha Latte" it's going to be beating someone else up after you're gone.
Now it's ask that again "How are you doing?". Things might be shitty, but hopefully, just maybe you've realized you need to suck it up and keep pressing forward.
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