Monday, December 31, 2012

I Sure Don't.

No one cares.

It's a cold hard truth.  In reality no one cares about you.  Not your employer, not your "friends", and chances are most of your family doesn't care.

A lot of people wont agree with me, but I'll tell you what, no one is going to look out for you but yourself.  You might be one of the fortunate people out there who really truly has some people that care about you, however at the end of the day if it comes down to you or them, they will pick themselves.

That's Okay.

Then are two classifications in the world for people.  Them and You.  At the end of the day that's how it always breaks down.

The "its me versus the world" mentality can actually take you pretty far into life or it can cripple you until you've forced out everyone and then it really is just Them versus You.

On the positive side if you acknowledge that no one cares about you and your own but yourself, you can become self sufficient.  No one is going to make sure you have a job or your kids get fed but yourself, so you will do all that you can to make sure it happens.

For a turn to the negative, taking this standpoint of life can exclude you from other people's lives.  No one wants to be around a Debby Downer.

 There needs to be a balance, you can't expect anyone else to look out for you and yours, but you should also still allow yourself to be taken care of by others.  This may leave you vulnerable to let downs, but you can't stay shielded for forever.

This is one of the benefits of having a life outside of life.  My life outside of life is training at the gym.  Yours could be cooking, hunting, fishing, playing sports, reading books, or any other activity. Getting away from it all could be the best thing to keep everyone from getting away from you.

This is an interesting concept for many, myself included.  Let more people in and maybe you'll have someone willing to pick you up in the case of a broken down car.

Or don't listen to me and keep being an asshole, because you know what, sometimes it's nice.

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